nice to meet you
Unser Team - verantwortungsbewusst, engagiert, kompetent!
Eine Auslandserfahrung, fördert nicht nur die Sprachkenntnisse, sondern ist als Reise ohne die Eltern immer auch ein Anstoß zu mehr Eigenständigkeit und Selbstvertrauen.
Eine gute Betreuung für diese positiven Erfahrungen steht für uns an erster Stelle und Sie können sicher sein, dass ihr Kind bei uns in guten Händen ist.

Brian Thompson
Thompson English Experience (TEE) started in 1997 when I was the Head of English in...
a Scarborough secondary school. Every year we had requests from schools in our twin town in Germany for an exchange with a Scarborough school. The exchanges were not possible because very few Scarborough children studied German and wanted to travel to Germany. But I knew that many Scarborough families would love to host children from Germany so I decided to organise a summer school for German children. That was the beginning and TEE has been going ever since!
And now the children of the 1997 children are starting to travel to Scarborough as well – which is wonderful!
I have always enjoyed being with the children and sharing their excitement at doing something new that they have never done before. And teaching them has been a pleasure because they are so well motivated and very keen to learn. To hear them gain confidence in spoken English is very rewarding and as a teacher it gives a good feeeling that what we are doing is positive and worthwhile.

Geoff Collier
Organisation und Betreuung in England
I am always there to support the group and available for you and your child at...
all times during the trip! I live in the beautiful seaside town of Scarborough with my wife Coco and our two children. I am a qualified English Foreign Language Teacher. My love of English and languages has taken me all over the world, and I have taught students of all ages across all levels, ranging from teaching absolute beginners to delivering advanced Business English and Academic English Courses.
In the UK I have taught English at local secondary schools and language schools and I have also held several pastoral positions, being responsible for the physical and emotional welfare of pupils.
I have a great deal of experience in taking groups of school children on trips and excursions around the UK.
I love working for Thompson English Experience because I get to show students my beautiful hometown of Scarborough, and I get to join in all the fun activities we do such as surfing, escape rooms, chocolate making and karaoke!

Friederike Taylor
Information und Ihr persönlicher Kontakt zu TEE
Gerne beantworte ich alle Ihre Fragen rund um unsere Sprachreisen. Ich lebe mit...
meiner Familie in Berlin und bin seit bald 30 Jahren mit TEE verbunden.
Ich habe Brian Thompson und seine Sprachreisen damals als teilnehmende Schülerin kennengelernt, arbeite jetzt seit über 10 Jahren als deutschsprachiger Kontakt in unserem Sprachreiseunternehmen und teile inzwischen auch die Erfahrung als Elternteil eines mitreisenden Kindes.
Oft ist es für die SchülerInnen die erste Auslandsreise ohne ihre Eltern, und meist sind SchülerInnen wie auch Eltern aufgeregt vor der neuen Erfahrung. Gerne nehme ich mir die Zeit vor der Reise all Ihre Fragen zu beantworten und stehe auch während der Zeit in England bei Bedarf jederzeit als Kontakt zu Verfügung.
Mir liegt TEE sehr am Herzen, es macht mir Spaß meine langjährige Erfahrung mit Ihnen zu teilen und ich freue mich auch immer wieder von schon bekannten Familien zu hören, die im Laufe der Jahre dann das zweite oder sogar dritte Kind mit uns auf Reisen schicken.
Betreuer / Lehrer

I love Scarborough and take great pleasure in sharing my knowledge of...
the local area with the students. I have been a teacher with TEE for 7 years and I am also an experienced teacher of French and Spanish.
I love working for Thompson English Experience because the students are always keen to learn and improve their English and it is a rewarding experience working with them.

Teacher / Activity Leader
I live and work in Scarborough and lead the sport and beach games for...
the groups. I was a sports teacher and lecturer for over 30 years and enjoy seeing young adults taking part in sport and exercise. I played hockey and netball for many years as well as being a runner. Now I mainly swim and cycle for fun and health benefits.
I love working for Thompson English Experience as I see the students enjoy their time in Scarborough and taking part in the many activities.

I live and work in the beautiful coastal town of Scarborough in...
North Yorkshire. I have 25 years of teaching experience. I teach both English and French and have taught a wide range of ages from 3 to 16. I have taught in both the UK and Singapore in an international school.
I love working for Thompson English Experience and witnessing the progress made by the students. I also enjoy seeing their enthusiasm for learning the language.

I help with all aspects of running the groups in Scarborough and I am...
a tour guide for the students on all the Thompson English Experience excursions. I am a point of contact for the students if they need any help at all during their stay in the UK.
I love working for Thompson English Experience because I get to experience all the fun and enjoyment the students have whilst they are with us.

I live and work in London and join the Thompson English Experience groups for...
their exciting two-day stay in London. My mum is also a regular host family for TEE students in Scarborough.
I love working for Thompson English Experience as I get to show students around the famous sights of the capital such as Buckingham Palace and the Houses of Parliament, and it’s a lot of fun accompanying students to Madam Tussauds and riding on the London Eye!

I joined Thompson English Experience two years ago and I really enjoy...
meeting students from various areas of Germany. My aim with the sessions is to get students to speak as much English as possible. This is achieved through discussion work on subjects such as the environment, the royal family and fast fashion. My joke of the day is an excellent icebreaker with students who rate the daily joke out of 10!
I love working for Thompson English Experience as I feel I learn so much from the students and about life in Germany.

Teacher and Leader
As well as working as a leader, I am also an experienced English Teacher at...
Thompson English Experience. During term time I teach English and Drama at an 11-18 school in Yorkshire. I graduated from the University of Nottingham and trained to teach English in London.
I love working for Thompson English Experience because I get to help students improve their spoken English. I also love participating in the exciting social programme and showing students around historic places such as Whitby and York.

Sven Taylor
Ich begleite unsere Schülergruppen seit über 20 Jahren auf Ihrem Weg in...
die Sprachferien. Eine gute Betreuung startet für uns schon in Deutschland am Flughafen, wo ich alle SchülerInnen in Empfang nehme, um Sie dann auf der Anreise im Flugzeug und im Bus zu begleiten, bis sie vor Ort in Scarborough von Geoff und unseren Gastfamilien in Empfang genommen werden.
Es ist immer wieder schön die Vorfreude der SchülerInnen zu erleben, wenn sie voller Aufregung nach England starten.

Eddie Haußmann
Ich begleite unsere Sprachschüler ab Stuttgart auf der Anreise nach Scarborough, damit sich alle...
gleich von Beginn an gut aufgehoben fühlen. Eine entspannte Anreise gibt Raum für Vorfreude auf die Zeit in England und bedeutet einen guten Start in die Auslandserfahrung.
Nachdem meine Frau und Friederike sich vor vielen Jahren als Schülerinnen auf der Reise mit Thompson English Experience kennengelernt haben, freue ich mich, inzwischen auch Teil von TEE zu sein.